Page 1 - Reviews - Redcon1, MRE, Whole Food Protein, Peanut Butter Cookie, 7.16 lb (3,250 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 19, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

Redcon1 MRE Whole Food Protein in Peanut Butter Cookie flavor is a protein supplement that not only nourishes but also tantalizes the taste buds. Crafted with real food sources, this protein powder offers a delicious and convenient way to fuel your body with essential nutrients. In this review, we'll explore the features, flavor, and overall experience of Redcon1 MRE Whole Food Protein in its 7.16-pound (3250 grams) packaging. Product Overview: Redcon1 MRE Whole Food Protein is a unique protein supplement formulated with real food sources such as chicken, salmon, egg, brown rice, and pea protein. With its indulgent Peanut Butter Cookie flavor, this protein powder offers a tasty alternative to traditional protein shakes, perfect for satisfying cravings while meeting your nutritional needs. Key Features: Real Food Ingredients: Unlike traditional protein powders that rely solely on whey or plant-based protein sources, Redcon1 MRE is made with real food sources, providing a broader spectrum of nutrients for optimal health and performance. Complete Protein Profile: With a blend of protein sources including animal and plant-based options, MRE delivers a complete amino acid profile to support muscle growth, recovery, and overall wellness. Delicious Flavor: The Peanut Butter Cookie flavor offers a rich and satisfying taste reminiscent of freshly baked cookies, making it a delicious treat to enjoy post-workout or as a meal replacement. Versatile Use: MRE can be mixed with water, milk, or your favorite beverage to create a creamy and indulgent shake, or incorporated into recipes such as smoothie bowls, protein pancakes, or protein-packed baked goods for added nutrition and flavor. Benefits: Satisfying Taste: Redcon1 MRE delivers on taste, providing a satisfying and indulgent protein experience that makes hitting your daily protein goals enjoyable. Nutrient-Rich: With its real food ingredients, MRE offers a diverse array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support overall health and vitality. Digestive Comfort: Unlike some protein powders that may cause digestive discomfort, MRE is gentle on the stomach, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive digestion. Convenient Packaging: The large 7.16-pound (3250 grams) packaging ensures you have an ample supply of protein powder to fuel your workouts and active lifestyle without the need for frequent restocking. Drawbacks: Caloric Density: Due to its real food ingredients and flavorful profile, MRE may have a higher calorie content compared to traditional protein powders, which may not be suitable for individuals on strict calorie-controlled diets. Price Consideration: While MRE offers quality ingredients and delicious taste, its premium price point may be a consideration for budget-conscious consumers. Conclusion: Redcon1 MRE Whole Food Protein in Peanut Butter Cookie flavor offers a delectable and nutrient-rich option for satisfying your protein needs.

Posted on Jan 28, 2024